Employee Onboarding

Does onboarding new hires feel unorganized and too time-consuming? Not sure you covered all the bases or were consistent with every new hire? Do you wish there was a more efficient way to get them unblocked on the basics?
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The purpose of this meeting is to help small company's managers get their remote new hires up to speed, ASAP.

Onboarding is a stressful process for both employers and employees due to the learning curve and uncertainty around the new role. And in the world of remote work, this challenge is amplified because of the lack of a physical office environment… you can’t quickly ask a nearby co-worker how to do something, observe the company culture, or organically socialize with co-workers. Onboarding is also often thought of as a journey, not something that happens in one meeting or even in one week - you show up to the office and gradually absorb more info from the environment and people for weeks and months. But in the world of remote work, organic exposure to new people and instances is much more limited, so their discovery and exposure must be intentionally initiated. 

Remote work means an increased need for documentation
Onboarding and training issues are well known to kill new employee morale and performance with the employer often paying the price in lost productivity and in many cases employee turnover. So it's no wonder why the responsibility falls largely on the employer to proactively solve onboarding issues before they arise and set up the new employee for success by anticipating their needs. And in the shift to remote-first work, this responsibility is growing.

The learning curve for remote hires is steeper due to the inaccessibility of information
For HR and team managers onboarding solutions are not straight-forward, as new hires, managers and company resources are all constrained on time, attention-span and even trust. Documentation is an obvious asset, but it doesn’t work well on its own - who wants to read ten documents to try to figure out how things work at a new company? Heavy documentation is not digestible and needs to be contextualized and indexed so new hires can get info as needed - someone needs to explain it to new employees for it to stick.

Remote teams need more help building communication channels
And having an intro session with the manager and team is also a given, but aside from that sweet, awkward, informal meet and greet, employees often are distracted by more pressing matters to learn about Jim’s weekend golfing average. Getting to know you teammates is important no doubt, but getting useful info such as go-to contacts for certain subjects or logistics of getting their systems set up early on. Letting new hires fend for themselves by just dropping them into a crowd is much less effective in the remote-work world than a traditional office, because new hires find themselves constantly having simple, roadblocking questions that they need quick answers to. Instead of casually leaning over and asking a nearby coworker about something, you must type out questions to people whose availability is not clear or guaranteed, and wait for them to notice it and then type back… turning tiny momentary help into pestering, delayed transactions. 

Zync can address these issues with a standardized, onboarding meeting template
One tool that helps HR and team managers to onboard people more efficiently is Zync’s Employee Orientation template. It offers a standardized way to walk your new hires through their first day, making sure they get introduced to exactly what you want them to see and in a given order with embedded, job-specific content - with the ability to discuss and clear up confusion on the spot.


This Scene welcomes your new hire to the company in a professional, modern way, with a title and dedicated video feeds for the manager and new hire to get started.


This scene gives the manager a minute to paint the picture for the new hire about your company's culture and values - with the company logo on the top right and the customizable text below it, managers can make a great first impression that's sure to improve new hire's adoption of the company DNA.

Role Context

This scene gives the new hire a bit of perspective, by allowing the manager time to explain the context of their new role in the company clearerly on the scene. By writing down the team's performance in the previous quarter and current quarter, new hires can more easily align to the team's tragectory, shortening learning curves.

Setup Checklist

This let's the manager and new hire run through a checklist of all the necessary items they should complete to unblock the new hire from getting into work. There is a card list on the bottom right side as well to all both parties to document outstanding items, which can be viewed offline in the meeting highlights.

How We Work

This scene helps the manager and new hire walk through how the team works together, from communication methods and content directories, to tools and timelines, all processes can be documented and discussed here, with a card list block in the bottom right for both parties to document outstanding items for offline view in the meeting's highlights.

Team Structure

This scene let's managers explain the team structure to a new hire, with a layout of the team personnel right on the scene. This helps the new hire get familiar with their teammates before the overwhelming whirlwind of group introduction that will happen soon.

Onboarding Buddy

This scene helps manager's introduce an onboarding buddy to the new hire, as a point of contact to help them with any general questions as they get familiar with everything. An onboarding buddy is especially helpful in remote companies since they fill the void of a office desk neighbor or nearby colleague.

90 Day Goals

This scene helps managers set clear expectations with new hires, by listing some 90-day goals for them, as shown on the left side. On the right side the card list can be used to list other goals or points for both parties to revisit offline in the meetings highlights section. A customizable timer in the top allows for the discussion to be kept at a high-level as such conversations can very easily draw out for more time than is intended.

Hello Team

This scene is when the rest of the team joins the new hire and their manager in the meeting. To minimize awkwardness, set the vibes right and kill time as all the team members trickle in, there is a fun icebreaker game in the top right where all attendees can compete to guess the 5 letter word that is hinted at every 30 seconds, to gain a spot on the leaderboard!

Team Introduction

This scene allows for the entire team to introduce themselves in a organized fashion - each attendee is given the same amount of time to give a quick intro about themselves, as other participants can react with emojis to provide non-intrusive reactions!

Team Poll

This scene lets the entire team give anonymous feedback on what its like to work at the company to a new hire, setting the stage for some funny and interesting input that can be discussed openly by the team to promote a culture of transparency and trust. The manager's video feed up top helps them facilitate the activity along with a customizable timer up top to manage time for inputs, and a emoji reaction bar on the bottom left let's you splash some fun based on the input and banter that follows!

Team Suggestions

This scene let's the team give specific suggestions for the new hire in an anonymous fashion. With a customizable timer along the top and the team's videos feeds along the bottom, the new hire can glean some useful info in a very short amount of time, which can conveniently by revisted offline in the meetings highlights section.

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